Quidjibo provides built-in support for Azure, AWS, and third party libraries
SQL Server integration offers a quick way to add Quidjibo to any project. Optimized queries turn your SQL Server into an efficient queue.
We have some good starting points for multiple cloud infratructue components.
Quidjibo was designed to swap out infrastructure components. Rather than use SQL Server feel free to swap out components with several packaged implementations. Quidjibo provides simple interfaces for you to implement as you so desire.
Whether you are DI novice or a diehard supporter of a particular library, Quidjibo welcomes many different flavors packaged for you. If DI is not your thing, that is ok too. Just make sure you use an empty default constructor on your handlers.
Simple integration with Autofac is as easy as registering a module.
Plug into the new Microsoft DI extensions.
Register Quidjibo with our simple extension method.
Add some Quidjibo to the StructureMap registry, you will be off and running.